Sorry I have been MIA lately.
This month sure has been busy!
Since our last post, we have been to
A family Wedding,
My niece and nephew turned
(I didn't make their cakes this year :( )
Not going to miss doing that next year. Store bought cakes are
just not the same.
Here we are playing with the kids,
well Emma and the adults made crafts!
Can you tell how detailed our Birthday Cupcake was..
serious concentration.
Then after spending a wonderful weekend with my family
in the Chicagoland area
we then were blessed with a
second baby shower!!
This is a special photo for us, as all of these
ladies haven't been in a photo together
It was a PERFECT day, great weather and
lots of wonderful faces I don't get to see all that often.
I will say, at this stage you REALLY
have to get clever when it comes to clothing!:)
Then the next week we were back to the grind
of cleaning up our house, trying to finish some house projects,
and for me, getting Elia's stuff all moved in, washed,
put away, figured out and
Seriously people, it's so exciting but
super tiring when you have such a big belly to lug around!
Don't worry, I'm not complaining.
Then we met Mr. 38 Weeks of Pregnancy last Friday.
It has been bittersweet.
I've been struggling super bad with my diabetes, as it
relates to my sensors.
For those of you,
A sensor is part of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring
system that reads my blood sugar every minute for a 5 minute average.
This has been stressful when it doesn't work, but
super awesome when it does.
I cannot tell you the number of
lows I wouldn't have felt if I didn't
have a little reminder.
However, since week 37, we've struggled and over a week ago
we did this.
with a desperate attempt to help me this week.
After practically crying to the NICE Medtronic Rep
(Seriously, he was the NICEST one i've talked to.
His name was Patrick. )
We tried the arm site, which is COMPLETELY
new to this girl.
The white part is the transmitter and the sensor which is
inserted into my arm is the purple part.
The plastic tape is just to keep it in place.
Don't you worry, it is TOTALLY necessary,
as on Sunday after 3 attempts for my dear husband to change it for me
people from a
harpoon of a needle.
I then accidently ripped one completely out while handing out candy and bled.
UGGH. So the 4th is still in today.
And it better stay until after this baby is out.
Oh yeah, that is where we are now.
Wanting this little precious girl OUT OF MY BODY.
We've continued to be monitored and both
she and I are doing well.
She is kicked away, even though her movements
have slowed down,
but she is definitely lower now.
I'm just in this stage that I never thought, Me,
and this disease would have this little girl
baking inside of me for this long.
I'm so grateful that she is doing great and healthy.
By this point, I'm sure it's mostly excitement,
but now my body is super uncomfortable,
having contractions, the pressure
the waddling, the having to use the restroom
at least twice an hour, and if I move around, watch out,
I can't even hold it 10minutes.
We really should have taken stock in
Charmin. lol
But despite how grateful I am that she is
still all cozy and warm,
Momma wants you out little girl.
It is super hard to concentrate on work now,
with the million things my body is going through and
still trying to work
so I get every extra day with her later.
So, hopefully after this post
the next one will be
"She's HERE"
"We did it"
"Meet the World Elia"
"A diabetic really DID have a healthy baby"
lol or
Which ever it is, she'll be here soon
and we are so thankful, lucky, blessed and excited!
Don't you all worry, we WILL
post birth info and pictures up
but for now..
just keep us in your prayers for a safe,
and healthy Mom and Baby.
And oh yeah, a helpful non working pancreas
to take it easy on me. As these blood sugars are gunna be hard to control!!!
Thanks everyone!:)