Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Scared you away...

My last post, 
was a very bad, terrible, horrible bad bad day.

We're all human here, so you have had them too. 

I guess working in the field that i work in
I should be used to expressing ones emotions and feelings
and honestly, 
it didn't really make me feel all that much better
but i'm glad I was able to stop thinking about it. 

You cry right?

I hope so, it's supposed to be normal. 

Sometimes we are overjoyed and happy
and sometimes we crumble..

well I crumbled.


These are the things that make me happy,
and not crappy like 

These are my joys..

Our adorable, fun and energetic 4year old
adopted dog KAHUNA!!

Our First home

(minus the mouse we have :( )

The talent my husband has..

This is a piece he did all in post its while we were in College..

On our honeymoon.. my dear husband...
he's the best!!!

Us at my younger sister's wedding...
Betty and Barney...

  And the love we share. No matter what happens, 
how bad our day was
what will happen tomorrow
it doesn't matter

With our love, we have to believe
it's all that matters, 
nothing small
or bothersome...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Time and Pointing my finger at you...

 Current life, I am pointing this BIG ENORMOUS FINGER AT YOU....

WHY do you not let me relax..
Why do you not allow free time to happen..
WHY do you not allow me to leave work at 4:30pm...
WHY do you allow me to have more and more complications with Diabetes..
Why do you think it is okay for me to have to suffer
when I could easily still be that 21 year old girl I was before
YOU decided to change EVERYTHING in my life...


Not only and I super tired, exhausted from working, and sad that it's only the 2nd day in 
the work week, 

but I already hate having T1, 
it consumes my life,
and everyone I have in it, 
but not you remind me 

the discomfort, pain, tingling feelings i get in my hands, mostly my right
from Tendinitis I now have
is a constant reminder of how much

Sorry, I said it. I'm sure i could find other words, but 
you do. 

One day, I want a doctor to tell me, 

You no longer have diabetes...
can that day be tomorrow, and take my tendinitis with you...

I'll bake you a cake!!!