No one has really asked this yet,
this blog is SUPPOSED to be about
As in me AND my husband.
I guess I've pretty much taken over this blog,
and posted things that
yes involve us,
I never really give a complete shot out to the man behind everything.
As we met in 2004 but started our relationship in 2005
this man has pretty much
been my everything.
We've experienced so much together.
College, Classes, Projects, Europe Trips,
Different Apartments, Graduations,
Diabetes Diagnosis, Mumps, Jobs,
Wedding, Buying our first home,
making new friends,
just to name a few....
We've learned so much about ourselves, about eachother
and today,
as he is in Chicago with his best friends,
and I'm here, taking care of myself, our Kahuna bear,
and the house (stuff)
I think a'
is in order.
With out him, I wouldn't be me.
Rather, it's our husbands, our wives, daughters, fathers, mothers,
sisters, nieces or nephews...(the list could seriously go on forever)
it shouldn't take much for us to
thank them for all the things they do for us.
both big and small.
Well this is a big THANK YOU
to my dear husband.
My life is WONDERFUL because of you.
In another way of saying how much he means to me, here's some photos
of us throughout the years.. some old, some newer..
On our wedding day, dancing together.. silly as always..
Us after a late night working for me, and in our first apartment together.
Us in 2007 in Venice, Italy on one of our trips. This was only a few months before
my Type-1 Diagnosis. You can't tell here, but I was already getting sick, and losing weight
in part of the class symptoms. Okay enough about me, more about him.
Check out that handsome man... This was on the top of the Eiffel Tower
Us on a date night, here in our 1st home.
Thank you Kid (this is OUR term of endearment)
for all you do for me...
I love you.