Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sorry, I'm busting at the seems...

That is my BRAIN WAS TODAY..


Today was our home inspection, and I can truly say I am so thankful that
I enjoy learning about things that interest me or
that i am investing my money in. 

Our Home Inspector was awesome, and he really took the time
to explain everything to me, to what to do if our furnace stops
working and what order to do what in.. which

1. Check Thermostat
2. Check Filter
3. Check power Source
4. Breaker Box

Yes, thank you, I have now learned something else. 
The man that is doing much of the work on the house informed me, well
asked me if i wanted a gas stove or a electric stove. By golly
you AWESOME MAN, i want gas. What did he say? He said
Okay, we'll get a new one in here for you,
at least i'm pretty sure that's what i heard. hopefully. 
I must REALLY be a new homebuyer if i get THIS excited for a gas stove. hehe

So our home inspection is almost finished, waiting on the Radon testing to come back 
and then hopefully we works with us and we get to MOVE INTO
new home. 

What i'm wondering, since I am a new home owner, 
what are the things you wish you knew when you bought your
first.second.third... home that you 
know NOW? 

Any ideas, tips or lessons are GREATLY appreciated!!!

-C & A-

pictures to come promise!!