Saturday, September 11, 2010

We just bought A HOUSE!!!!

LADIES and Gentleman...

Your hearing it first..
Yes, its a little prematurely since our home inspection isn't until 
Thursday but...
We just bought our 
home together. 

Yes. We are so excited. Much lower in price than we were looking,
fits 98% of our needs.. no garage
but phew, with the $$$ we can save, we can 
make it our OWN!! YESSS

Once we take photos we'll post them..HERE!!


Here we come home decorating!!:)

Thank you for all your help, advice and support
We really can't thank our family and friends enough!

-C & A-


  1. YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! I am SO excited for you!!!!!! Can't wait to see pics!!!!!

  2. Thanks Amanda!!!!! Can't wait to share.. we go for the H.I on Thursday so i should post pics then!!!
