Friday, May 20, 2011

Rump, and Dr. Confidence

After seeing Dr. Uneducated I was bummed. 
I was upset, but I was so happy we were able to see 
baby that until I started to tell
other family members of my experience
I then started to feel bad that I didn't speak up. 
I know now, I have the right to stop feeling this way. 
For once, I'm actually in the seat to 
say yes or no. 
Typically, for my life with doctors,
I don't get a chance too often, just because for example, there are only so many doctors in my plan
or so many endocrinologists( but I LOVE mine)
so I've just dealt with them. 

But those baby pictures were just too cute. 
Here's I'll show you again, 
I know it is hard to see on here but it's so cute. 
Little body, little head, little rump. 
hehe, Rump. 
Cute name for the butt area I think. 


so I had another appointment for 2 weeks to see the progress and
to make sure things are going well. 
I also had blood work taken today and I'll find out the next time how it went. 

I had my routine visit with my endo Dr. H. 
She's really great. 
I appreciate her help, her knowledge for for telling me
honestly what she's seeing and how she feels. 
I think I forgot to mention, part of my prework this past month was 
24 hour Urine Test (GROSS, never will I enjoy or want to do this again, and I told her)
Blood work, for A1C= 6.3
As well as scheduling for a pump class at the Diabetes Center. 
She said I am doing a great job and I also enjoy
that no matter what
she'll be honest in helping me get through this pregnancy. 

After seeing her, I then had another appointment with the Group
for a different OBGYN.
After the first one, I'm still optimistic that I can find one better. 
This was a man, and the man I've had most of all my life
and delivered me, 
Dr. John Carroll 
is, well shucks there aren't words.
He's fantastic, caring, helpful, and a GREAT MAN. 
I don't think I'll ever compare anyone to him.
So I met who I am calling Dr. Confidence. 

He's tall, older and kind. 
Comes in shakes my hand, thankfully I'm not naked this time
but I am alone, Austin stayed at work.
So he came in, reviewed my information,
discussed getting on the pump, 
he was manly optimistic and kind. 
After seeing my blood results and 24 hour urine test
he said things look normal. 
What the heck is normal. 
In my life, I don't remember being normal, except maybe in middle school or some of high school. 
It felt good, even though I laughed when he said that. 
My last A1C was on the 8th of March, 
while I was still on the insulin Levemir which you cannot be on while pregnant 
or trying. 
So when I was taken off that, I started on 
Humalin N which is an NPH insulin. 
This type peaks better and will help me manage my blood sugars throughout the day 
when I'm not eating or taking my other kind. 
This helped me so much. 
It really helped me mange them better, 
especially those early morning blood sugars.

So back to Dr. Confidence. 
He told me my A1C was great, my readings look good. 
He was in and out, 
straight to the point, confident, 
Checked me out, said things look great. 
He couldn't find the heartbeat and I reminded him that
I was told I'm having another ultrasound today.
After asking more questions regarding
my previous cycles, 
he then decided to go ahead and do it. 
He told me what he was going to do, what I would be doing and going
and when i'd see him next. 
A lady came in, got me
did an ultrasound,
Saw bigger moving baby. 
He's so cute!!!
(Remember I'm saying he until we know different)
I saw little arms and legs moving, his body floating 
in his little bubble. 
Here is what he looks like on 4-28-2011

look at the little head.

The heart rate today was 170, and strong. 
The lady was really nice, and when I got back in
Dr. Confidence came
and reviewed everything with him and 
made an appointment for another month so 
on May 26th I go again. 

I liked him. He was helpful, 
said great things, 
told me the truth, and
was supportive. 
Things are looking up. 

I attended a full day of Diabetes Education (much like I had when I was first diagnosed
and didn't learn much but helped others I think. 

Next we have the Pump day, figuring out basal rates, 
sensitivity factors and pumping for the first time.

I do want to say how thankful I am for all the people
reading our blog.
We really appreciate all of the support
comments, messages, emails and 
lurkers for reading. 
Please feel free at any time to comment, email or
get ahold of me if you have a story to tell me, 
to share with others
or some things you've gone through in your pregnancy. 
Thank you all again!
-Cassie and Austin-


  1. Cassie I remember the first of SEVERAL ultrasounds because I too was high risk for other reasons. These first ultrasounds and everyone for that matter are amazing. They give you chills of goodness, happiness, and hope. You leave feeling accomplished and looking forward to meeting your bundle of joy and at the same time thinking what did we get ourselves into. Pregnancy is a wonderful experience despite the nausea, food aversions, insulin, and all that other jazz. Enjoy each moment and treasure the good with the bad. I pray that all continues to go well for you, Austin, and baby Kimler! Good Luck!

  2. i really enjoy reading your blogs, it keeps me up to date& that your doin great!you keep blogging i'll keep reading love an miss ya
    ''aunt pat
