Tuesday, May 17, 2011

When we found out...(Part 1)

I mentioned before that I was going to try and document
how we found out and what has happened with me
and this pregnancy from the beginning. 

I'm going to start the week of March 7th, 2011. 

3/8/11- Today is my first day meeting my new endocrinologist. I haven't seen one since moving to Davenport
over a year ago, just meeting with my general Medical Doctor. My Medical Doctor was
actually going to be gone in the month of February and wanted me to get in to see one while she was gone. 
Even though that didn't happen, it was nice to see one. 
My new endocrinologist is Dr. H. 
I met her, she was sweet. We reviewed how my diabetes management has been going
and what options and changes we might be making. 
We discussed my elevated liver enzymes we found out about last summer. 
After trying to treat it, nothing was really working,
and with an attempt to maybe think about 
expanding our family, I went off medications. 
We talked and talked, and figured that with my diagnosis, 
and only getting older, more and more
complications are inevitable. That with some time, I will see more complications occur and 
that while i'm generally healthy, now might be a good time to start this new chapter. 
We had already stopped preventative medications and
upon seeing Dr. H, I had not yet had a period. While crying over talking about the insulin pump, 
she stated, "I bet your pregnant now," I told her no, it's just scary and the idea is now
coming to reality. We filled out paperwork, got some lab work to be done on Thursday and
we set up another appointment for the end of May. 
They did say, that if in fact I am pregnant, or will be soon, I would then see her
every two weeks and call in my blood sugars twice a week. 
All is well. 

3/10/2011- Appointment with my Medical Doctor
Let me say first, that I HATE the facility I currently attend, but LOVE my doctor. 
Sadly, that doctor graduates and will be moving after June. 
I really love seeing Dr. L. She's sweet, helpful, calm and 
compassionate. I wish she didn't have to leave. 
We always catch up and chit chat while she does her routine checks. 
Today I informed her of all the information from seeing Dr. H. 
She was happy that we decided to go on the pump, and was okay with the tests she wanted. 
We almost finished our meeting when I remembered to tell her that I have yet to have a period
and this was now 35days past when I got my last one. 
She LOVES kids, its obvious. She lite right up when I told her this. 
She then pushed water down my throat, 
we talked some more, and then I took a test in her office. 
She came back after the vampire (lab lady) stole my blood
and then she came in. 
Dr. L told me a couple other things and then snuck in the information
oh, and I wanted to tell you that the test was
I didn't say anything. 
She said it came out positive but faintly,
and prepared me for all the information regarding this new discovery.
THEN, Panic started. 
She then asked me about the lower right pelvic discomfort I have been having. 
I explained again, it wasn't painful, it was just pressure or 
She then told me she wants me to go directly right now to the hospital for an
emergency ultrasound to check for
an Etopic Pregnancy. 
Not only was I shocked, freaked out, alone and have no idea what this meant, 
the nurses then were frantic to get me into their tonight before they close
but they wanted a HCG blood test first again to verify that
I was indeed pregnant, early, but pregnant. 

My appointment was at 3:45pm and this was coming to almost 5pm now. 
My phone was slowing dying, and my work phone was in the car. 
Austin was still at work so i figured if this took an hour, okay no problem, I'll do this quick
and go home. 

WRONG, was I so WRONG. 
I went there right away (it is a building directly behind my doctor's office) and
went to the lab. They had no idea, made me wait, go to Radiology, then back for the actual blood work. 
Vampire sucked my blood, positive number, then off to Radiology. 
Got there, checked in, waited for about 45 minutes. I started freaking out. 
Austin was home now, my phone just died, I left the other phone in the car (stupid me)
and now i'm late, we had plans with my parents who were in town at my grandma's
and this is taking forever. 
Then I realized, shoot, diabetes, check. Checked, getting low. 
Treat with crackers I have in my purse as I wasn't in DIRE need to glucose tabs or juice. 
FINALLY got in. 
Did the ultrasound. She saw the beginning stages of a baby forming. 
After waiting, Dr. L was on the phone
explaining to me that I would need to come in tomorrow for lab work to recheck my HCG then. 
But nothing looked wrong. 

It was after 7pm now. 
I could only imagine Austin is freaking- the -F- out by now. 
Okay gotta go. Thanks Dr. L. 

Ran out of there. Called Austin on my work cell. 
Told him how sorry I was. I am on my way home now. 

I could tell he was freaked out. 
I really wanted to do something fun for him if we ever found out, 
and on the way home with my packet of information from Dr. L 
I knew I had to tell him, but wasn't sure what I'd say.

As I got home, I see Austin is just turning on a light in the house and putting his keys away. 
A- Where were you? 
Me- Sorry my appointment ran REALLY long. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry.
What were you doing?
A- I just got back from in the car. I didn't know where you were, but I was going to 
start by going by your doctor's office, then work to find where you are. 
I was worried. 
Me- (feeling absolutely horrible and still a little panicked) I'm sorry kid. 
Well, I went to my doctor's appointment, and
Dr. L gave me this. (showed him the packet with a little picture of a mom with a belly being checked)
A- What's that?
Me- Well, this means we're having a baby and I'm pregnant. 
A-looks me in the eye and then kisses and hugs me at the same time. 

This is already going NOT the way I wanted. 
Oh well, 
Baby is on board!!!


  1. Awww luv it!! Already welcomed with open arms into mommyhood...with kids NOTHING goes as planned lol. Can't WAIT to meet baby kimler :o)

  2. Sigh! made me tear up! you will look back on this and think it is a great story!!! love!

  3. Ok yes im crying as a read this .. and i was there that weekend... i was with Austin in freaking out... just wanted to make sure my baby was ok... and now ... months later i found out why we didnt have dinner that night... babies are always a wonderful thing...
